They don’t pay the bill and punch and kick the restaurant owner. Two young engaged men stopped

An engaged couple made up of a 25-year-old from Como with a criminal record and a 21-year-old from Vimercate literally kicked and punched the owner of a restaurant where they had had lunch shortly before. The episode occurred in Como on Saturday 26 August. According to an initial reconstruction, the two engaged couples, after having quietly had lunch in the restaurant, with the excuse of having to smoke a cigarette, left the restaurant and left without paying the bill.

At that point the owner of the place reached him asking him to pay but the two scammers in response began to beat him with kicks and punches. Once the emergency services were alerted, the police arrived on site and stopped the two criminals and took them to the police station where they were identified and reported at large for fraudulent insolvency and personal injury. The restaurateur, who suffered a fractured jaw, was transported to Sant’Anna hospital for the necessary treatment.

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